Trip to Ukraine. Part I: Sataniv.

Russian version

"God has prepared terrible disaster to my dad: to the end of his days, he was looking for traces of his mother, sister and all his mishpaha, vanished without a trace in the first days of the occupation. When it became clear that the retreat is inevitable, an order came to assign the teamsters, responsible for evacuation of Jewish families. All father`s mishpaha - a sick mother, a sister and her children got in one cart. A few kilometers from the village teamster rid of them, beaten and left in the field. Nothing more is known about them since that moment. When the Germans came, an assembly point for the Jews was appointed – Gorodok, where from they were massively transferred to an unknown location. During the occupation no German appeared in Sataniv, at the end of the war, no one of the Jews stayed in this place alive ... "

Yan Shraer

My mind can`t keep an understanding of how some people could methodically eliminate the others. This is a kind of terrible game: gas chambers, skinny, emaciated people are going to die, as if everything is not for real, soon this nightmare will be over, everybody will wake up alive. And the worst is that people, who betrayed and killed without a chance to survive were those, who belonged there.
After I`d read the essay of my dad, I decided to go to Sataniv. I wanted to see this place to shoot it.

I didn`t manage to cope with the second task because of the wild heat, laziness, topographical cretinism, just two days in disposal and the fear that something might not work. I was scared totally before my journey.
Bottom line: I should go there again, just to shoot, but most likely I will be able to go there only the next summer.
By the way, about my fearfulness. No time for my stay in Ukraine I have had problems with the Russian language or some hostile locals. I was lucky? Or it couldn`t be in another way?

So, let`s start. At first, we bought tickets to the wagon NE on the train to Khmelnitsky, what proved to be completely right, as it was crazy heat in Moscow, the same heat was waiting for us at once fraternal Ukraine and NE was the only air-conditioned wagon. In the carriage there were only four passengers.

Next, I was expecting an unforgettable meeting with customs officials, whom I`d never met before in my railway travelling. Friends eagerly told me a lot of horror stories about the night shakedown, grandmothers, planted with trains, etc. etc. But! Everything went well! Of course, waking up twice per night (first Russian custom, then Ukrainian) was not very nice, but everything went without incidents. I might shoot everything, and all the time I was too lazy or busy. So, the clever people are right: you should define the purpose clearly of either travel or history in photos. Thus, I got the first one. Now the idea, that I should go there again to SHOOT doesn`t leave me!

Neighbor in the coupe, going to visit relatives, enlightened me a little on Sataniv, she told me about the beautiful banks of the River Zbruch, healing mineral water and local health centers and coffee shop with mini zoo. My imagination conjured a fabulous picture.
At last, we reached Khmelnitsky. Ordinary city as a city, it is also inhabited.

Conductor, a good woman, explained me, how to find the bus stop, where were the bus stops that would take us to the bus station, from which we coud go to Sataniv. The fair is two hryvnia. We arrived. Thanks to me for half an hour we were standing at the bus stop and waiting for the magic bus, practically, blue helicopter before I realized that the bus station was across the street.

We had to go to the sanatorium "Tovtry" in which we, as I thought, had reserved the rooms. On the phone during the "booking" I was spoken persistently only Ukrainian, although everyone understood Russian. The main thing was that, in the end, they said, “Come!”, and as you`ve already known, we went. Generally, several health centers are located around Sataniv (it is 5 - 7 kilometers) , only "TOVTRY" had free rooms to reserve and only there we were agreed to settle for three days - usually people live and receive treatment there, as in all health centers, at least for ten days. The next time it will be better to book accommodation in Sataniv and maybe to go there by car. Had come to "Tovtry", I saw one (yes, it is true, one) machine with Russian (maybe even Moscow, I can`t remember) numbers, its owner said, that the roads were normal, that they went through Bryansk. Well, but how else, I thought. The time will show. Maybe, I`ll do the same.

Thanks God, we got a big good bus. The fare to the "Spa Sataniv" - 31 UAH. Oh, the exchange rate of hryvnia at the Kiev station was 4.5 rubles. The bus was good, indeed, but the sun was beating down mercilessly. I still went with the feeling that I was going behind enemy lines, my friends were having fun, so they are easy people, unlike me.

So, welcome to the Soviet Union, hello, sanatorium "Tovtry", hello, Podil's'ki Tovtry. Sataniv is the center of the region. As I`d understand, no reservations were not found in the registry, but we settled down.
By the way, the moose in the picture - is not simple. They say that the men, who did not managed to twist a romance with anyone in the sanatorium, should kiss his, to say so, rear, and then everything will be ok. Such funny tale exists here. Indeed, "Tovtry" is the most modest of local health centers, but again, the most affordable.
My friends lived in one room, I was settled down next to a girl named Anna in the other. Hot water was supplied to the room in the mornings and evenings, there wasn`t any talk about air conditioner, but my goal was not to have a rest in a respectable hotel, so I was satisfied with everything. Moreover, together with Anya I watched Ukrainian and Russian television, to which I don`t dedicate much time in my usual life.
As Anna told me, sanatorium "Tovtry" had been bought by one rich Russian, who would invest money in it, repair, build, and then, two years later it would be opened again, reborn, like a phoenix, from the construction mess.

Had looked at the food, placed on the dining room table, I realized that I would not eat there, because it appetite hadn`t cause appetite, quite on the contrary.

Thus, all three days of our living - being in "Tovtry" I ate at the Cafe "Fortetsya" (I can be mistaken in the name, but who knows, understands). Normal cafe, according to my neighbor from the train, there was a mini - zoo. It was there, but it was consisted mostly of our little - brothers birds, and I am quite indifferent to them, so they didn`t impressed me at all. Fish, cooked in a tandoor (a fire in a stone pit, something like that),didn`t capture my imagination also. Tandoor is the feature of this restaurant. Dumplings with cherry pleased me much, deruny (potato pancakes), that is draniki (though I ate them in another cafe) - as well. But they were very lush and that was surprising for me. All, as Anya said, was a piece of cake: they put soda in to them. As for me, I prefer the flat draniki.
In addition to the cafe it was a small market there, which was located at the entrance of the resort complex.

Old ladies, aunties and guvs sold everything from their own gardens and very tasty buns, I remember, specially, the buns with poppy seeds, fresh-pressed apple juice (half a liter - 10 rubles) and currants with raspberries and blueberries. You can live!
Also the blouses with national Ukrainian embroidery and other "touristic" joys were sold there. In Lviv, where to I went later, the prices on these embroidered blouses were four times higher.

A lot of different people were having a rest at the resort, of course, mainly, from Ukraine, Kiev, Kiev region, there were even those who came from Moscow, looking forward to improve their health, but not many.
The main value of "Tovtry" - mineral water "Zbruch." I was told that it treats kidneyss in such way, that then (if you have a problem with them), you can live for a year without going to the doctors. But it smells horribly - hydrogen sulfide, exactly, as if someone has farted. I didn`t not really drink it.
And what about Zbruch river, in the health centers region, it looks like a creek, really.
A waterfront promenade appeared to be an embankment of a local lake, where in the mornings and evenings vacationers made promenade, discussing the latest news. For example, before I left, at the local waterfall – it is an ennobled small natural waterfall on Zbruch river under which customers of the health center and local residents make themselves healthy - young seventeen years old man drowned. Everything was ok, on the next day everybody was revitalizing again. To tell you the truth, I thought it was something natural, indescribably beautiful, and I was crawling a long there with a heavy photo backpack, and what I`d got, I didn`t even photograph it, just took shorts walking along the Zbruch river.

So, my visit to Sataniv by itself was ahead still. I faced my first real Ukrainian night. It was preceded by Anya`s story about the previous night, when a bat flew into her room and was warning around, so Anya had to call the nurse on duty and she relieved Anya from the flying horror. Of course, things kept happening on a similar scenario. In our first night with Anya I was awakened by her, standing on tiptoe at the door and asking to look, if the bat was sitting under a curtain. Of course, she was sitting there. We called the nurse on duty, she swept the mouse into the scoop, covered with a broom and carried it away. I had thought (I don`t know why) that the bat - is something huge from a horror movie, but it was so tiny and almost pretty. Later, one of the doctors told Anya that in the night he woke up with a bat on his head. That was strong!

And it was the second day and it was the morning.

I decided to go to Sataniv - as everyone who usually goes there from the resort - by a passing car or a bus. While I was sitting at the bus stop, a local old woman started conversation with me - with her granddaughter, they were also going "to the city." From her story I realized that life in Sataniv was not sweet, all state factories and not only state were closed. It's very much connected with the Russian gas. People are getting divorced, leaving the village, there is nothing to do there, no jobs, except in resorts. A granddaughter of that old woman was very nice, small, but tricky, such a pretty angel. And that was just my first understanding, how beautiful the Ukrainian women were. Competitors, however!

At last, me and that woman, her granddaughter, and another lady arrived free on a passing car to our destination, the grandmother showed me how to get to the synagogue, and I - total topographical cretin - went. Ironically, I reached a ruined synagogue without problems. The synagogue was built in the Moorish style and in the past served as a fortress also to protect the city. It was built very safe and strong.

I was hanging over the synagogue, photographed goats and trash on her background, and suddenly I got the same feeling as Andrew Mironov`s hero in the movie "The Diamond Arm".
I saw people in skull caps (such black hat worn by men), I heard the English language and I was grateful to God. For me, that people in the center of the deserted Sataniv were like that boy, walking on the water, to Mironov`s hero. Used to follow my old habbit (freebie, come to me) I joined this group of distinctly Jewish tourists. It was funny to do that, since there were nobody around, and it became clear, that I was not with them. Finally, they began to talk to me and told, that all of them came from Sweden, and were travelling through the places connected with Jewish history.

Most of them had lineages, connected with the places through which they were travelling. They asked me, how and what`s for I had come there, and I told them the story of my grandfather, who was born in Sataniv and about his family, tragically lost in that land. Hannah talked to me more, than the others, she was so happy when she found out that our names sounded equally. Our conversation ended in style: "Well, if you're in Stockholm, come to my place!".

Thanks to that group, I was able to get inside the synagogue, I got to the abandoned old Jewish cemetery also with them. Hannah left two flowers for me, and that we said goodbye to each other. There was a special entrance behind the cemetery, but for some reason we climbed up by the separate steep path. The geese were passing it before us. The garden, enclosed by barbed wire, was laid out near the cemetery.

I read in the Internet, that local students, as far as I know, took part in a special action, cleaned monuments from moss. But, as a matter of fact, locals do not need that cemetery at all. Probably, a lot of people who live in Sataniv now, are the descendants of those, who handed the Jews over to the Germans and just didn`t want to help them to survive. The city has no monument to the Jews who died, only monument to the defenders of the city of all nationalities. But, you see, it's not the same thing. Many times ago Sataniv was the famous Jewish settlement, quite a long time ago.

Maybe, a man, who sold the tomatoes in Sataniv and asked me to photograph him, was the sun of those, who condemned my relatives to death, I was thinking. But then lopked at the address, written on: "Ternopolskaya oblast", quite different place. For the expected picture of him he gave me a tomato, later, tied from the heat and impressions, I ate it as my dinner, saying "thanks" to him mentally.

Nothing has changed, from my point of view, since my grandfather camr here after the war. Judging by the tracks, the cows are still walking through the cemetery, tombstones «are walking away» into the forest. I was sitting n the cemetery under the birch and thinking… Why?? Why, if the God exists, he allowed and allow all the same to be?

On the second day of my stay in the city I wanted to get the excursion over Sataniv, organized for the vacationers, but there were no free places already, to my regret. I didn`t see the church, the village itself, didn`t take pictures of its inhabitants. All of this I will do the next time.
So, on the second day I decided to go to Sataniv by myself via bicycle, in the heat of 40 Celsius degree, and you see, I wasn`t successful, even speed changers did not help me to get up the hill, and I decided to return.

I think it wasn`t right. People helped me without any problems to get there and back. But again, maybe I was just lucky. On the first day, I was tossed back free to the resort by the young guy. As he spoke, he worked in Sataniv under the contract as agronomist, he grew sugar beet there.

At night - and it was getting dark out there drastically and immediately - I was lying and feeling, probably, what my grandfather's relatives felt. Infinite anguish and incomprehensible fatality to death. A night that will never turn into the morning. People, just like you, who hate you for no reason and want you to disappear from the face of the earth. Fading hope, that maybe we`ll have time, break through, a miracle will happen, soon there will be the forest, we will hide, we will get to those who will help us, but it did not happen, life is over, ended. And to whom it was necessary here, your life . And people in the sanatorium treat kidneyss. Yes, the kidneyss hearts, but those people are alive. They especially do not want to think about what happened here a few decades ago. It does not concern them. They are - the normal, everyday people.
Maybe the rich Russian, who will build the new "Tovtry", will spend money for a monument to the dead Jews. And do locals responsible for their death need it? It was sad, yes, but our visit to Sataniv was over, it was time to go to the Lviv city ...

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